Monthly Archive: December 2014


C Program to Implement Calculator

C Program to Implement a Calculator using Switch Case Construct This Program Performs Addition,Subtraction Division or Multiplication on Given Numbers,A Simple Calculator in C!! OUTPUT Enter Two Numbers 12 14 Enter + (Addition) –...


C Program to Delete Elements from an Array

This C program will delete element from an array from the given position.Elements need to be shifted when deleting from array #include main() { int array[100],position,c,n; printf(“Enter number of elements in arrayn”); scanf(“%d”, &n);...


C Program to Generate Armstrong Number

This C Program Generates Armstrong Number within the Given Lower and Upper Limit Input: Upper Limit and Lower Limit Output: Generated Armstrong Numbers within the limit #include main() { int i,sum,d1,d2,d3,ll,ul; int a,b,c; printf(“Enter...


Windows 10 : Features

Windows 10 Review Windows 10 Review Here is the preview of windows 10 task bar which consists of 2 new icons , and the icon for windows explorer has adopted a flat style The...