Steemit Post Comment Using Nodejs
In this tutorial, you will learn to use steemjs to post a comment to
- Basic knowledge in nodejs
The data is fetched as JSON from URL and then it is sent to the steemit. We will be using the following dependencies
- Steem
You can install these by the following command
npm install steem --save
npm install http --save
First, we need to create two variable for steem and http
var steem = require('steem');
var http = require('http');
Next, We will create a server and listen to a port. You can use any other port.
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
The next part is to fetch the data that we want to post. You need to add your username, posting key from steemit(Wallet -> Permission->Show Private Key)
var body = '';
body += chunk;
var post = JSON.parse(body);
'POSTING_PRIVATE_KEY', // your steemit posting private key
'YOUR_STEEMIT_USERNAME', // your username
post.slug, // Your Steemit post slug
{ tags: [ post.tags ] },
function(err, result) {
console.log(err, result);
Example of JSON file that we fetch from URL
title: "Your Post Title",
message: "Your message contents goes here. You can add image url too.",
tag: ""general" ",
category: "programming",
slug: "your-post-title"
Full Source Code:
var steem = require('steem'); | |
var http = require('http'); | |
http.createServer(function (req, res) { | |
http.get('',function(res){ | |
var body = ''; | |
res.on('data',function(chunk){ | |
body += chunk; | |
}); | |
res.on('end',function(){ | |
var post = JSON.parse(body); | |
steem.broadcast.comment( | |
'POSTING_PRIVATE_KEY', // your steemit posting private key | |
'', | |
post.category, | |
'YOUR_STEEMIT_USERNAME', // your username | |
post.slug, // Your Steemit post slug | |
post.title, | |
post.message, | |
{ tags: [ post.tags ] }, | |
function(err, result) { | |
console.log(err, result); | |
$('#message').text(err); | |
$('#ms').text(; | |
}); | |
}) | |
}); | |
res.end('Processing\n'); | |
}).listen(2001); |
After uploading the file to your server you need to run node file.js or forever start file.js
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